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Equipa Trevotech Comercial de Operadores

Who we are

We are a company with 100% Angolan capital, dedicated to the distribution and sale of high-quality machinery, offering after-sales service, multi-brand automotive workshops, and parts counters. We also have a transportation and logistics business unit that operates according to the highest standards of efficiency and quality.
Currently, Group TrevoTech employs more than 600 staff and is present throughout the entire national territory.

Historical Milestones

Representante +20 Marcas Internacionais
Dealer of +20 International Brands
Transportes & Logística
Transport & Logistics Solutions
Distributor Mazda
Mazda Distributor
Official Agent Toyota
Toyota Agent


To provide services and products of internationally recognized quality, offering sustainable solutions tailored to the realities and needs of economic operators.


To be the benchmark for the quality of products represented, the efficiency of services provided, and the excellence in relationships with customers and employees, making a difference in business and the community.


Quality in standards, services, and results. / Efficiency of proposed solutions. / Excellence of represented brands. / Connectivity of countries, continents, and businesses.

Let’s Talk

Would you like to request a quote or to learn more about our solutions?

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